Sedona, Arizona

Sedona is not far from Jerome, just 28 miles to northeast on the other side of the Verde Valley.  The landscape here is gorgeous with towering red-rock buttes contrasting with deep green forests of juniper and pine.  Brilliant sunset skies just add to the splendor.  There are dozens of hiking trails but we only had time for a couple. I’d love to come back some day and explore more.

The town of Sedona itself is tidy but fairly generic save for its wealth of art galleries and a predilection for all things New Age. So if you want to pick up some healing crystals, have your aura photographed or do a bit of “quantum lightweaving” then this is your place. The New-Age-inclined also claim that Sedona is home to some sort of spiritual energy vortexes (not vortices, the normal plural form of vortex).  I’m not a believer in such unscientific propositions, but I can certainly understand how the spectacular beauty of this area could inspire such mystical feelings in those so inclined.

Interesting patterns formed, I assume, by wood boring insects

Beautiful sycamore trees at a shopping complex called Tlaquepaque, 
modeled after a Mexican village. 
 (photo by Deborah)


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