Caribbean Cruise

Even before embarking on our Panama Canal cruise, Deborah and I looked ahead to its conclusion and expressed our reluctance to hurry back to the dreary winter weather of Olympia.  To remedy this we rather decadently booked another cruise that was to leave from Fort Lauderdale just two days after our Panama Canal cruise was to end. We spent the two days in Fort Lauderdale between cruises doing laundry, visiting friends, and catching up on computer tasks thanks to our Airbnb’s Wi-Fi.  Our second voyage was a 7 night Caribbean cruise with stops in Half Moon Cay, Bahamas; Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos; Amber Cove, Dominican Republic; and Key West, Florida; before returning to Fort Lauderdale.

Both of our cruises were on Holland America Line (also same as for our Alaska cruise last year), which has a reputation for a somewhat older clientele. The Caribbean cruisers were a bit younger than the Panama Canal ones, but actually seemed in worse shape. Not sure I’ve ever seen that many pot bellies in one place before.  Of course, overeating is par for the course on cruises, as is being pampered by our Indonesian cabin stewards and Filipino wait staff.  In fact, a signature aspect part of the cruise experience seems to be young brown people cleaning up after old white people.  I’m a bit uncomfortable with this arrangement but rationalize that they have taken these jobs of their own volition as a means of improving the less prosperous circumstances into which they are born. We just try to recognize our privilege and treat the hard working staff with respect and gratitude.  And try not to make too much of a mess for them to clean up.  This is seldom a problem since Deborah has a tendency to tidy up any space she inhabits before anyone else has a chance to.

Beautiful beach at Half Moon Cay, Bahamas.  The entire island is owned by Carnival Corporation, parent company of our Holland America cruise line. 

A large lagoon sits in the middle of the island.

Half Moon Cay has lots of trails in addition to the beach.  And lots of lizards.

Another great beach at Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos. Just off the beach is the Margaritaville Restaurant, where Jimmy Buffet's tropical rock is on constant play.

The view of Grand Turk from the ship.

Dominican Republic.  We docked in Amber Cove but took a tour around nearby Puerto Plata.  This is the main square.

Puerto Plata

Deborah enjoys a fresh coconut drink.

Historic Fort San Filipe dates to the 16th Century.

Bottle display at a rum factory.

Residence and studio of a local artist, where lush gardens abound.

I can't remember the name of this exotic flower, but our neighbor Alex back in Hawaii had one in his garden.


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