Cambodia-Golden Temple Villa and Spa

words and pictures by Deborah

Blake and I have traveled a fair bit and we both agree that we've never had an experience like we received at this beautiful hotel: the Golden Temple Villa in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Perhaps it's because Blake is always looking for the “good value” hotel. He says he is frugal; I tease and say he is cheap. But I actually love that he is fiscally responsible and cautious….. most of the time. I will say that his frugality has led us both to have a wonderful life together, having the freedom to live our life, our way.

That said, hotels may not always include much style or amenities when traveling with Blake. He’s a guy - they just go with the basics. A few times over the years they were really just awful! Blake has improved tremendously in his search for a good compromise in hotels for travel.
I think it’s because he is a married man and he now has  the understanding of the true meaning/importance of “a happy wife ,happy life!” LOL

Those who know me understand that I am pretty easygoing and accommodating most of the time, and so Blake has had a lot of flexibility, with few complaints from me. With this hotel choice and experience Blake has redeemed himself in my eyes. I also may mention that our age had brought Blake to the realization he likes more comforts now too. Oh, thank God!

He booked this hotel for a planned stay of 7 days. The room price per day was $47 and included breakfast. It was curious to Blake that this hotel had no reviews and he was not quite sure why but went for it anyway thinking just maybe it was a new hotel. It was a wonderful pleasure to find out when we arrived that it was indeed a new location and  had only been opened for 6 days. I learned that we were the first guests to book a full week after having many enjoyable conversations during our stay with the girls who worked there. I suppose that made us stars.

I can honestly say in all my years of travels I have never been so pampered and accommodated. Blake agrees. So let me tell you about our over-the-top experience. I would describe this hotel as simple elegance in appearance. They are most certainly going for the reputation of great service to the guest in a big way.

When they picked us up at the airport they placed a  traditional scarf around each of our necks. Once we got into a really nice van, they handed us on a plate, wet cool-scented facecloths to refresh ourselves and bottled water. And so the luxurys began! Once we arrived at the hotel they carried our luggage in and escorted us to a comfortable built-in sofa area and asked us to wait. While we were sitting there a young waiter came out of nowhere and placed food and beverages on the table in front of us: a snack.  It was the largest snack I ever saw!

Soon one of the young women who worked there came to get acquainted and inform us about our stay. After bowing and then kneeling in front of us she proceeded to tell us that we were being upgraded to one of their best rooms! Then she said here is a Gift Certificate for 2 massages. Then she gave us 3 more certificates!  And a complimentary cocktail at our first meal. In our minds we were both, like, ”what?!” One was for dinner, one for lunch and one for a snack! We were just sitting there a bit  stunned and trying to act like this was normal for us ! It was a  true challenge and we felt a bit embarrassed, especially given some of the past frugal hotels choices Blake has made, this felt out of our league!

Everyone was extremely friendly and the staff very helpful.  It was very clean, had a great pool and a wonderful spa. I spent 13 hours that week in the spa. I had been given 4 hours of free massages and so I upgraded and added services.They gave me so many complimentary hours there I wanted to be sure that I also spent some money. They are running a business after all. The girls who worked at the spa did a great job. I am a 40 year (now retired) Cosmetologist and have owned salons. I have a high expectation. All my needs were met with skill and caring service. After each appointment they would serve me a fresh mango beautifully sliced on a plate and hot ginger tea.

The hotel restaurant had a great chef who came out to talk with us occasionally - well, practically at every meal. He created delicious  gourmet meals using local food and altered recipes for us since we are vegetarians. At each meal they pulled out the chair for us to be seated. They laid the napkin on our lap, they took our orders and came often to see how we like it.  They hovered nearby and watched us eat so as to be ready to run over and service our every desire.

If it was lunch or dinner it did not matter; it was always a 4-course meal. We always felt so stuffed afterward.  It's tough trying to watch my figure eating so much food - albeit healthy food - but way more than I need. We felt compelled to eat every bite because so much effort was put into the entire experience. And it was delicious! The breakfast bar was massive: beautiful healthy foods, veggies, breads, pastry, cereals, fruits, meats, cheeses, olives, yogurts, eggs, salad, just to name a few . If that was not enough you could also order additional things from the breakfast menu.
Our hotel room was massive, clean and lovely. We guess about 500 square foot. Look at the pictures; it says it all.

The hotel was in a good location close to the Night Market and Pub Street, but back from the main road in a quiet spot. One afternoon we hung out in the huge lobby for a change of scenery, no one was around. I sat  very quietly playing my Ukulele and humming the songs. I did not notice but the staff heard me and all were hiding nearby to listen. They told me later and I was asked to play for them. I did 4 songs for the staff: my mini concert. Three of the songs are original compositions by me, so I took the time to explain what each song was about and the manager interpreted it the others. One woman was so touched by the song and the sound of my voice she wept. I felt honored.

We felt like we were at Downton Abbey the way they attended to our every need. I started to call Blake  “Lord Grantham”. LOL We ended up booking for one additional night due to flight arrangements. OMG! They gave us another gift certificate for 2 hours of massage, and another certificate for dinner. Really! We were dumbfounded to say the least.


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